Friday, July 26, 2013

Things to say during awkward silences

Awkward silences cause stress, stress causes illness, illness can lead to death, which potentially makes them as dangerous as nuclear fission weaponry, anthrax, flu shots, and even LSD. The community needs to become aware of the dangerous practice and how close to home it really is. Do you know that independent studies have shown that for an average 60 minute conversation with a stranger that there is an average awkward silence at 80% of the whole conversation. Just speaking to people is like being a human target, there is not safe way to hold a conversation any more in a safe setting. Recent research has shown that even when the conversation is scripted that there is an awkward silence for 20% of the time.
Humans should evolve in how we communicate. I for one believe that humans should only speak to each other during fornication. men should only talk to other men via text. By removing oneself from the temptation that causes awkwardness, awkward silences can be reduced to 2% of the time.

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