Thursday, April 25, 2013

Scholarship help

Blackness emblazons my surroundings, a bright light is but a short distance away, but the darkness of the cave devours every beam within arms reach. My body is encumbered by fear, frustration, and sentiments, while financial chains restrict my limbs. I struggle to stand in this cave, a cave where my father and my mother remain, and my grandmother and grandfather died. Sure, it may be better to accept the cave, to exist as a faceless individual in the sea of darkness, remaining ignorant to what lies outside, but while it may be the simpler choice, and possibly the optimal choice, I refuse to remain in the cave any longer. I can pull the weights, but I cannot break the chains alone, therefore I need one more pull from the Claudine Williams Harrah’s Las Vegas Employee Scholarship to stretch these chains closer to their breaking point.

I will become a distinguished man of science upon leaving the cave; I will travel the world bringing knowledge and hope to all who accept it. A pedestal must be set, a pedestal of knowledge and recognition, which I may use to improve the lives of all beings, plants and animals alike. My life’s goal is to inspire countless people to follow their dreams, let go of their inhibitions, and to be one with the planet. I will accomplish my goal by understanding the very fabric of reality and using this knowledge to improve all forms of life.

These chains are too short to move forward, too strong to break, a pull from the Claudine Williams Harrah’s Employee Scholarship can bring these chains closer to their breaking point and myself closer to my goals. I must improve our planet, I must improve my environment, and I must improve my community. Bring me closer to the light, so I may do the same for all who accept my help.

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