Friday, March 4, 2011

Blog posts

Well.... Blog posts have been scarce lately.
I am sorry for that.

I am going to tell  you readers about a feeling I get randomly. It always starts as a simple "day dream", I quoted day dream because it is no ordinary day dream. These thoughts I have been having are much different. They are like real dreams but in an awake alert state. They usually start with thoughts of being beaten or stabbed. I will randomly imagine a baseball bat being swung at my head by a mysterious individual. At the drawback of the swing is initiated my vision goes int a dark sometimes reddish blur.
I always see a smaller field of vision that has a defined shape coming at me at great speed. Imagine a box about a hundred feet away from you, your sights are set on it and all you see is it. Imagine standing there watching the box speeding toward at approximately 45 miles an hour. What seemed like a small box, turns into a large wall that takes up your whole field of vision, and when the object finally hits you you feel a great force smash into your skull. You feel the pain but the pain is not real. Immediately following the hit from the imaginary bat, a large surge of a somewhat pleasurable energy courses though your limbs causing your body to jurk, in one large twitch. After this great surge of energy the whole ordeal is over.

  This has been happening to me for at least 5 years at random times. The "hallucinations" are really intense at times. The stabbings are the worse though, there are never surges of energy from the stabbings, just intese pain.

On another note. I love dreaming. Just not when I am awake.


  1. Strange stuff. Maybe you should go and see a doctor?

  2. that is messed up, have you talked with a doctor? it doesn't sound like normal nor healthy.

  3. It's interesting to get a peek into someone else's psyche. Looks like we all have our little issues. I used to regularly faint when I got up from lying down for a while.

  4. No worries, will look forward to your new posts.

  5. You might want to talk to somebody about that.

  6. wow intense and you get similar night dreams?

  7. Dude... just, what?

    That's pretty fucked up man. You should try talking to someone about your daydreaming. :/

  8. those sound like nightmares to me

